Play vs Spring Framework - Which web development framework is better for Java apps?

October 15, 2021

Are you struggling to choose between Play and Spring Framework for your Java app development? You're not alone. Both frameworks are popular choices for Java programmers, and comparing the two can be challenging. In this article, we'll compare Play and Spring Framework side by side and see how they measure up in various areas.

Let's start with a brief introduction to both frameworks.

Play Framework

Play Framework is an open-source web application framework that was developed for modern web application development. Play uses the Java and Scala programming languages and supports the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture pattern.

Play Framework has many enticing features, such as hot reloading of Java and Scala code, lightweight architecture, and high scalability. It is also known for its simple and intuitive API, which makes it easy to use and develop web applications.

Spring Framework

Spring Framework is also an open-source web application framework that is designed for enterprise-level Java applications. Spring uses the Java programming language and supports the MVC architecture pattern.

Spring Framework has been around for longer than the Play Framework and is known for its large community and wide range of features. Spring's features include integration with a variety of technologies, easy integration with other Java frameworks, and excellent support for enterprise-level applications.


Now, let's examine the significant differences between the two frameworks and see how they compare.

Learning Curve

Play Framework is relatively easy to learn, and developers can start using it with minimal expertise. Spring Framework has a steeper learning curve but compensates for its complexity with a vast array of features and functionalities.

Project Configuration and Setup

Play Framework has a simple and straightforward configuration with little to no XML configuration, while Spring Framework provides advanced configurations and settings, which can be seen as beneficial for larger or more complex projects.


When it comes to performance, both frameworks have excellent records. However, benchmarks show that the Play Framework performs marginally better than Spring.

Community and Support

Spring Framework has been around for much longer than Play, and as a result, it has a more extensive community and a broader range of support. Play has a smaller community, which can make it hard to find answers to specific problems.

Flexibility and Customization

Play Framework is known for its flexibility and customization, allowing developers to design web applications according to their preferences. Spring Framework offers a wide range of tools and functionalities, making it more suitable for bigger projects.


In conclusion, both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the developer's project requirements. Play Framework offers a lightweight and easy-to-learn option with excellent flexibility, while Spring Framework offers extensive functionalities and support for enterprise-level applications.

Whichever framework you choose, both Play and Spring Framework are excellent choices for Java app development.


  1. Play Framework
  2. Spring Framework
  3. Play vs. Spring - Which Java Web Framework is Right For You?

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